Luke 1 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
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Gospel means “good news.”
Luke the author of this book wrote it to record the good news about Jesus.
Luke was a travelling companion of the Apostle Paul.
He was a doctor (Colossians 4:14) and may have been a Gentile (Colossians 4:10-14).
Luke wrote more of the New Testament than any other author (based on word count).
He wrote the book of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles.
Luke’s gospel is addressed to a man named Theophilus who may have been a Roman official.
He wrote to him to give him confidence about the details of the Christian faith.
Some believe Luke’s writings were used as part of Paul’s legal defense during his trial in Rome.
The book records events which occurred in the 1st Century A.D..
The events of chapter 1 occurred around 1 A.D..
Herod the Great was king of Judea and Augustus was Caesar in Rome.
Zechariah - A Jewish priest from the tribe of Levi, described as a righteous man.
Elizabeth - The wife of Zechariah also a Levite, described as a righteous woman.
John - Zechariah and Elizabeth’s newborn son.
Mary - A young woman from the town of Nazareth. She was a virgin betrothed to be married.
Joseph - Mary’s betrothed husband (similar to a fiancé).
Gabriel - An angel who was sent from the presence of God to bring good news.
The events of chapter 1 take place in Nazareth, in the hill country of Judea, and the city of Jerusalem.
Zechariah is serving God in the Temple in Jerusalem when an angel appears to him.
The angel tells him he and his wife will have a son who will be a prophet of God.
Not just any prophet, he will be the prophet who prepares the way for the Messiah.
This was big news because Elizabeth had been barren and she was getting old.
Zechariah isn’t confident about the angel’s promise and expresses doubts.
The angel isn’t pleased, and makes Zechariah mute until his words become reality.
After finishing his work in the Temple, Zechariah returns home to his wife and she conceives.
6 months later, Gabriel makes another appearance, this time to a girl from Nazareth named Mary.
Mary is a virgin but Gabriel tells her she is going to have a son.
The Spirit of God would come upon her and a child would be created in her womb.
The child would be a fulfillment of many of the prophecies God previously made to the Jews.
He would be called the “Son of the Most High” and He would sit on King David’s throne.
Mary accepts the words of the angel and the role God has given her to play.
Mary makes a trip to the hill country of Judea to visit her relative Elizabeth.
Upon arriving, Elizabeth is filled with the Holy Spirit and blesses Mary.
Then Mary is filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesies about the work John and Jesus will accomplish.
THE BIRTH OF JOHN (1:57-1:80):
Elizabeth gives birth to a son.
Eight days later, the boy is circumcised and given the name John.
Zechariah’s voice is restored.
The Jews have been waiting for the Messiah for hundreds of years. He is about to arrive. Little did the world know, Jesus would be a blessing, not just to the Jews, but to people from every nation and every generation.
God can take someone/something seemingly insignificant and use it/them in powerful ways.
Even the faithful struggle with doubt (1:18). Accepting God’s correction will lead us to maturity (1:64).