Genesis 31 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

genesis 31 summary
genesis 31 outline

Genesis 31


  • The exact date of Jacob’s return to Canaan is not known, but using information throughout Genesis, it seems likely it occurred between 1745-1725 B.C.


  • Jacob – The son of Isaac and Rebekah and twin brother of Esau.

  • Laban – The brother of Rebekah who lived in Haran.

  • Leah – Laban’s oldest daughter. She is described as having “weak” eyes.

  • Rachel – The daughter of Laban. She was a shepherdess of her father’s flocks in Haran. She is described as “beautiful in form and appearance.”her and bore him two sons.  


  • Jacob lived in Haran for 20 years but returned to Canaan at the end of Genesis 31.



    • As Jacob grew wealthier, Laban’s sons started grumbling about him, saying he was only rich because he took what belonged to their father.

    • God appeared to Jacob and told him to return to his father in Canaan.

    • Jacob called Leah and Rachel and told them he wanted to leave.

    • He reminded them how Laban had not been honest with them in their business dealings, but how God had blessed them despite Laban.  

    • He told them how the angel of the God appeared to him, just as He had in Bethel, and instructed him to make the journey to his homeland.

    • Leah and Rachel were aware of their father’s dishonesty, and they agreed to return to Canaan with Jacob.


    • Jacob’s family quietly gathered all their belongings and fled south out of Laban’s land when he was off shearing his sheep.

    • Rachel stole her father’s household idols and hid them in her luggage.

  • LABAN PERSUES JACOB (31:22-25):

    • It took Laban 3 days to discover Jacob had fled. As soon as he discovered it, he took his relatives and pursued Jacob’s caravan for 7 days.

    • God came to Laban in a dream and told him not speak either good or bad to Jacob.


    • Laban was angry that Jacob fled in secret and didn’t give him a chance to say goodbye to his daughters and grandchildren, and he demanded to know why Jacob stole his idols.

    • Jacob told Laban he fled in secret because he was afraid Laban would take his wives by force.

    • He denied stealing Laban’s idols and permitted him to search his house.

    • Laban searched but couldn’t find the idols because Rachel deceived him by hiding them in camel’s saddle which she was sitting on.  

    • Jacob became angry and berated Laban for assuming he stole the idols and for his years of dishonest during the 20 years Jacob served him.

    • He told Laban God had sustained him, even though he had ripped him off.

  • THE COVENANT OF GALEED (31:44-55):

    • Jacob and Laban agreed to make a covenant of peace between them.

    • They gathered stones and made a heap and a pillar as a witness of their pact.

    • Jacob offered a sacrifice to the Lord and ate with his relatives.

    • In the morning, Laban kissed his daughters and grandchildren and returned home.


  • Dishonesty and deceit will keep you running from your past and will cause you to lose the things you love the most.  

  • Jacob had to flee his home in Canaan because he lied to his father and stole the blessing that belonged to his brother.

  • Laban lost his family due to his dishonesty and they ran away from him because he wasn’t trustworthy.

  • It’s better to be honest and up-front in our relationships.

  • Honesty isn’t always easy, but it is necessary to retain the people we love the most.

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.

Genesis 32 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study


Genesis 30 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study