Exodus 19 Summary: A Concise Overview in 5 Minutes

exodus 19 summary
exodus 19 outline

Exodus 19 Summary - A Quick Overview


  • God delivered the Israelites from slavery in approximately 1491 B.C.

  • The events of Exodus 19 took place 3 months after the Hebrews left Egypt (19:1).


  • Israelites (Hebrews) – They were the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and they grew into a great nation of people during their time in Egypt.   

  • Moses – A Hebrew who grew up in the house of Pharaoh. He fled Egypt in Exodus 2 and went to live in Midian. God called him back to Egypt to deliver the Israelites from slavery.

  • Aaron – Moses’ brother who helped him lead the people of Israel. Aaron was from the tribe of Levi.


  • The Israelites moved from Rephidim to the wilderness of Sinai and encamped near Mount Sinai.

exodus 19 map - rephidim, horeb, sinai, and the wilderness of sin



    • Moses led the Hebrews to a new camp near Mount Sinai.

    • God spoke to Moses and gave him a message for the people.

    • God promised to make Israel into a special nation, His “treasured possession among all peoples,” if they would obey His commands.

    • Moses communicated God’s message to the elders of Israel and they all committed to obey God.

    • God told Moses He was going to descend on Mount Sinai and speak to Moses in the hearing of all the people so they would know he was God’s chosen representative.

    • The people were told to “consecrate” themselves for three days and wash their clothes in preparation for the Lord’s arrival.

    • When the Lord arrived, the people were to approach the mountain but not touch it.

    • Any man or animal that touched the mountain was to be killed.

    • The people did as God instructed and consecrated themselves.

    • On the third day, Mt. Sinai was covered in a thick cloud, lighting, thunder, fire, and smoke, and the mountain quaked.

    • A loud trumpet blast was heard that frightened the camp.

    • Moses brought the people to the foot of the mountain and the Lord called Moses to the top.

    • God repeated his warning that the people must not touch the mountain.

    • Moses had set limits around the mountain so the people would keep their distance.

    • God told Moses to descend the mountain and return with his brother Aaron.


  • God is someone to be loved, but He is also someone to be feared (in the sense of respect and reverence).

  • The scene on Mount Sinai would have been frightening because it was a display of supernatural and other-worldly power.

  • God is not to be trifled with.

  • In one sense, He is the loving and merciful Father, but in another, He is a terrifying force that demands and deserves reverence and obedience.

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.


Exodus 20 Summary: A Concise Overview in 5 Minutes


Exodus 18 Summary: A Concise Overview in 5 Minutes