Christians, Let’s Stop Normalizing the Term “Partner.”

* This is an opinion piece, but after watching the slow erosion of the marriage relationship, I believe my opinion is rooted in precedent and in the way movements have used language to win ideological wars.

“This is My Partner”

Christians, can we please stop normalizing the term “partner” in the context of romantic relationships? Over the past few years, I’ve seen more and more people, including Christians, dropping words like husband, wife, boyfriend, and girlfriend for the more general term “partner.” While there is nothing sinister about the word itself, I suspect there is a sinister motive behind its growing popularity.

Why are You so Bothered?

The past decade has taught us that the language we normalize can change people’s views on moral and ethical issues. I suspect the word “partner” is an attempt to normalize and destigmatize relationships that don’t fit into a culture that has historically respected traditional marriage.

The problem with the term “partner” is that it’s general… It’s genderless and commitment-less.

First, regarding being genderless, the term is being used to refer to heterosexual spouses, homosexual love interests, no doubt, it is now being applied to transgender relationships. In a world with so much gender confusion, such a general term only serves to normalize the abnormal. Those who believe in real, God ordained, marriage shouldn’t accept being defined by words that are so loose as to also apply to various perversions of marriage.

Second, the term is commitment-less. The terms husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, and fiancé all clearly communicate the level of commitment a couple has to one another. The term “partner” communicates nothing, which is not a mistake. Our society is determined to destigmatize couples who live together, enjoy the benefits of marriage, while refusing a life-long commitment to one another. Having a general term in the common vernacular that can be applied to a girlfriend and a wife only serves to benefit those who don’t value marriage.

What Should We Do?

As Christians, let’s use words that draw clear lines and resist the ungodly trends of our culture. The way we talk communicates what we believe, and we don’t want anyone to be confused about the fact that we believe in gender, marriage between men and women, and marriage for life as a commitment before the God who instituted it.  

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.

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