Acts 7 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study
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Acts 7 in 5 Minutes
We don’t have exact dates for the events in chapter 7.
Most historians suggest the approximate dates of 33-35 AD.
The end of Acts 6 sets up the events we read about in chapter 7.
Stephen – A man full of faith and the Holy Spirit. He was 1 of the 7 men chosen to care for the Hellenist widows at the beginning of chapter 6. At the end of chapter 6, he was arrested and falsely accused of disrespecting God’s Law.
The High Priest and Council – Jewish leaders who hated Jesus and His message.
The events of chapter 7 occurred in and around the city of Jerusalem.
The high priest asked Stephen to respond to the accusations made against him (see chapter 6).
Stephen began his defense by recounting the history of the Jewish nation (Israel), beginning with Abraham.
Abraham left the land of the Chaldaeans for a new land promised to him by God.
Abraham’s begat Isaac, Isaac begat Jacob, and Jacob became the father of the 12 tribes of Israel.
The people of Israel were enslaved in Egypt until God led them out by the hand of Moses.
God sent 10 plagues on Egypt, He led Israel through the Red Sea, and was with them for 40 years in the wilderness.
Moses foretold God would send a prophet like himself to the Jews in the future. He instructed his people to listen that prophet when he arrived.
But the Israelites turned their hearts away from God and would not listen.
In the wilderness, God instructed Moses to build a tabernacle. The tabernacle was later replaced when Solomon built the Temple in Jerusalem.
Stephen said the Temple served its purpose, but ultimately it was only ever meant to be the symbolic dwelling place of God.
God didn’t dwell in temples made by the hands of men. He was too great to be contained in brick and stone.
Stephen said this because he had been accused of speaking blasphemous words against the Temple (6:13).
The Temple was never meant to be a permanent fixture in the worship of the LORD.
Stephen accused the council of being rebels against God, just like their ancestors in Moses’ day.
Their actions validated Stephen’s accusation. Just like their fathers, who killed God’s prophets, the Council members murdered the “Just One” (Jesus).
They claimed to worship the God who gave them their religious law, but in actuality they were fighting against Him and serving Satan.
The council members were enraged by Stephen’s words.
As they gnashed their teeth at Stephen, he was filled with the Holy Spirit and declared he could see “the heavens opened, and the Son of Man standing on the right hand of God.
The Council ran at Stephen, took hold of him, dragged him out of the city, and killed him with stones.
Just before dying, Stephen asked God not to hold his murderers accountable for their crimes.
Luke tells us Saul (Paul) was present for Stephen’s murder and consented to the actions of the Council (7:58).
The truth stirs up anger, offense, and outrage in the hearts of people who hate hearing it.
Just because a person is angry with you, “offended” by your words, or outraged by your arguments, doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve done or said anything wrong.