2 Samuel 9 Explained – A 5 Minute Bible Study

2 Samuel 9 Bible Study
2 Samuel 9 Outline

2 Samuel 9 Summary - A Quick Overview


  • Saul died in approximately 1055 B.C., after reigning over Israel for 40 years.

  • David became king over Judah the same year. He reigned over Judah for 7 years and 6 months, before becoming king over all Israel. His reign over all Judah and Israel lasted 33 years.


  • David – David was the 2nd king over all Israel and Judah.

  • Mephibosheth – A son of Jonathan. He was crippled and couldn’t walk.

  • Ziba – A servant of king Saul. David made him and his household the servants of Mephibosheth.


  • David lived in Jerusalem.

  • Mephibosheth lived in Lo-debar in the house of Machir.

Map of 2 Samuel 9 - Lo-debar and Jerusalem



    • Before their deaths, David made promises to Saul and Jonathan to show kindness to their families.

    • David called Ziba, who had been a servant of Saul’s, and inquired if any of Saul’s descendants were still living.

    • Ziba told him a son of Jonathan, named Mephibosheth, was still alive.

    • Mephibosheth was “cripple in his feet” (4:4; 9:3).

    • David called Mephibosheth to him and blessed him. He gave him Mephibosheth the estate that had previously belonged to Saul and invited him to stay in Jerusalem and eat at his table.

    • Ziba, his 15 sons, and 20 servants were entrusted with the job of cultivating Mephibosheth’s land.


  • Men (and women) of God keep their promises, even when there isn’t a personal benefit.

  • Saul and Jonathan were dead, apparently, most of the kingdom had forgotten about Mephibosheth, but David still went out of his way to honor his promises.

  • This act required David’s time, energy, land, and money.

  • David’s word was worth something. Ours should be as well.

  • This chapter gives us an example of a man with honorable character.

  • David’s character reflects the character of Jesus.

  • Jesus sacrificed to uphold the promises of God.

  • And like David, He did it at personal expense for the benefit of another.

  • When we keep our word, we reflect the character of Jesus.  

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.


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