2 Samuel 3 Explained – A 5 Minute Bible Study


After Saul's death around 1055 B.C., David assumed the throne over Judah, marking the beginning of his ascent to becoming the second king over all Israel. Part of this seven-year journey unfolds in 2 Samuel 3.

Key Characters:

  1. David: The future king of Israel, initially only reigning over Judah.

  2. Abner: Leader of Israel's army, who initially supported Ish-bosheth over David.

  3. Joab: A key figure in David's army, with a complex relationship with Abner.

  4. Michal: David's first wife, daughter of King Saul.


The events primarily occur in Hebron, where David lived and eventually buried Abner.

Map of 2 Samuel 3 - David and Abner in Hebron


  1. The Sons of David (3:1-5):

    • David fathered six sons during his time in Hebron, each with a different mother.

    • (1) Amnon (with his wife Ahinoam), (2) Chileab (Abigail), (3) Absalom (Maacah), (4) Adonijah (Haggith), (5) Shephatiah (Abital), and (6) Ithream (Eglah).

  2. Abner Joins David (3:6-25):

    • A prolonged conflict between David in Judah and Ish-bosheth in Israel.

    • Abner, once Ish-bosheth's supporter, strategically positions himself and decides to ally with David.

    • Abner's confrontation with Ish-bosheth leads to him pledging the kingdom to David.

    • David agrees to peace with the condition of reclaiming his first wife, Michal.

    • Abner persuades Ish-bosheth and secures Michal’s return to David.

    • Joab, angered by David’s willingness to ally with Abner, plots to kill Abner.

  3. Joab's Act of Vengeance (3:26-30):

    • Joab lures Abner back to Hebron and avenges his brother Asahel's death by killing Abner.

    • David reacts with mourning and curses Joab's house.

  4. David Honors Abner (3:31-39):

    • David publicly mourns Abner, emphasizing he did not desire his death.

    • This mourning earns David favor among the people of Israel.


The narrative highlights the difference between knowing God's will and obeying it. Abner, aware of God's promises to give David the kingdom, initially aligned with Ish-bosheth. He knew the will of God, but he chose a different path. True followers of God go beyond knowledge, they actively conform their lives to His will.

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.


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