2 Samuel 20 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

2 Samuel 20 Short Summary:

In 2 Samuel 20, Sheba leads a rebellion against King David. Joab pursues Sheba, and a conflict ensues at the city of Abel Beth-maacah. A wise woman negotiates, convincing the city to hand over Sheba. They behead him, ending the rebellion. Joab returns to Jerusalem, restoring stability to David's kingdom. The chapter underscores political tensions after Absalom’s rebellion and Joab's crucial role in maintaining order.

2 Samuel 20 summary
2 Samuel 20 outline

2 Samuel 20 Summary - Overview


  • Saul died in approximately 1055 B.C., after reigning over Israel for 40 years.

  • David became king over Judah the same year. He reigned over Judah for 7 years and 6 months, before becoming king over all Israel. His reign over all Judah and Israel lasted 33 years.


  • David – The second king over all Israel and Judah.

  • Joab – A seasoned warrior in David’s army. He led a third of David’s army against the forces of Absalom.

  • Abashai – A mighty man and long-time friend of David. He was Joab’s brother.

  • Amasa – He was previously the commander of Absalom’s army. After defeating Absalom, David appointed him commander of his army, in place of Joab.

  • Sheba – The son of Bichri described as a “worthless fellow.” He led a rebellion against David in Israel.


  • David returned to his house in Jerusalem after Absalom’s rebellion was defeated.

  • Joab killed Amasa near a great stone in Gibeon.

  • Sheba fortified himself in Abel of Beth-maacah, a city north of Lake Huleh (north of the Sea of Galilee).

2 Samuel 20 map



    • 2 Samuel 19 ended with an argument between the men of Israel and the men of Judah in regard to King David.

    • A man named Sheba was present and started a rebellion. He led many of the men of Israel away, claiming they owed no loyalty to David.

    • David told Amasa to gather up the men of Judah and return to him in 3 days.

    • When Amasa missed the deadline, David sent Abashai and Joab to capture Sheba.

    • Joab met Amasa on the way, near a large stone in Gibeon.

    • He pretended as if he was going to greet him as a friend but, taking his sword in his left hand, he stabbed Amasa in the stomach and killed him.

    • Amasa’s body was left in the road for a while until one of the men dragged it into the field and covered it with a cloth.

    • After seeing their commander dead, Amasa’s men joined Joab in pursuit of Sheba.


    • Joab found Sheba in Abel of Beth-maacah. He was inside the city, hoping it’s walls would protect him.

    • Joab and Abashai besieged the city until a “wise women” asked to speak with Joab from the city wall.

    • She didn’t understand why Joab was attacking her city.

    • When Joab told her it was because a traitor was held up inside, she went to the people of the city and convinced them to give Sheba up.

    • Not long after, Sheba’s head was thrown to Joab over the wall, and he called off the siege.


    • Joab was the commander of the army.

    • Benaiah was in command of the Cherethites and Pelethites.

    • Adoram managed the forced labor.

    • Jehoshaphat was recorder.

    • Sheva was secretary.

    • Zadok and Abiathar were priests.

    • Ira was David’s priest (chief ruler; KJV).


  • A voice of wisdom can diffuse tense situations that threaten communities.

  • The women in Abel took initiative to speak with Joab to keep her town from being torn down.

  • She saved her entire town by suggesting that all-out war wasn’t the only solution.

  • In your church and in your family, strive to be a wise voice that keeps hot-headed people from destroying unity.

  • Solutions that preserve unity often aren’t difficult to find (as was the case in Abel), but we need wise people to guide us to them.

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.


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