2 Samuel 15 Bible Study - In 5 Minutes

2 Samuel 15 Short Summary

After David forgave Absalom for killing his brother, Absalom began popularizing himself with the men of Israel. After several years of cultivating his public image, Absalom started a coup and declared himself king in Hebron, in place of his father. David, who was unprepared to respond to the uprising, took his family and fled Jerusalem. David’s friend, Hushai, was sent back to Jerusalem to be David’s inside informant.

2 Samuel 15 Bible Study
2 Samuel 15 Outline

2 Samuel 15 Summary - A Quick Overview


  • Saul died in approximately 1055 B.C., after reigning over Israel for 40 years.

  • David became king over Judah the same year. He reigned over Judah for 7 years and 6 months, before becoming king over all Israel. His reign over all Judah and Israel lasted 33 years.


  • David – The second king over all Israel and Judah.

  • Absalom – David’s son by Maacah (2 Sam 3:3). He betrayed David to steal the throne.

  • Ahithophel – One of David’s counselors. The Bible says, “Now in those days the counsel that Ahithophel gave was as if one consulted the word of God; so was all the counsel of Ahithophel esteemed, both by David and by Absalom” (16:23).

  • Hushai – A friend of David’s who he sent to mislead Absalom.

  • Zadok and Abiathar – Priests and allies of David who cared for the Ark of the Covenant.


  • David’s house was in Jerusalem.

  • The Kidron Brook is mentioned in verse 23. The Kidron brook runs along the east side of the city of Jerusalem, between the city and the Mount of Olives.



    • After returning to the king’s good favor (2 Sam 14), Absalom proceeded to popularize himself with the people.

    • He got a chariot, horses, and fifty men to run in front of him.

    • He made a habit of sitting near the gate and sympathizing with men who came to the king with petitions. He told them he would side with them if he were the judge in Israel. 

    • Whenever a man approached him to honor him as a prince, Absalom would kiss him.

    • “Thus Absalom did to all of Israel who came to the king for judgement. So Absalom stole the hearts of the men of Israel” (15:5).


    • After 4 years, Absalom lied to his father and told him he was going to pay a vow to the Lord in Hebron.

    • Absalom sent secret messengers throughout Israel telling the people to declare “Absalom is king at Hebron” when they heard the trumpet.

    • Absalom recruited Ahithophel, David’s counselor, to join his side.

    • Before long, other men started joining Absalom’s coup.


    • When news of Absalom’s betrayal reached David, he quickly decided to gather up his household and his allies and flee Jerusalem.

    • Abiathar and Zadok, the priests, intended to take the Ark of the Covenant with David, but he told them to return to the city, take the Ark with them, and acts as his secret informants from the inside.

    • David’s company crossed the Kidron Valley and went up the Mount of Olives. He went barefoot and with his head covered.

    • The people who accompanied the king were weeping as they walked.

    • David sent his friend, Hushai, back to Jerusalem to try to thwart the counsel of Ahithophel. He was also tasked with informing Zadok and Abiathar about Absalom’s decisions.

    • Hushai made it back to Jerusalem just as Absalom was coming into the city.


  • Absalom was a smooth-talking flatterer.

  • Pro 29:5 A man who flatters his neighbor spreads a net for his feet. 

  • The Apostle Paul warned the Roman church about people who would try to lead them away from the -truth by “smooth talk and flattery” (Romans 16:17-18).

  • Flattery is a dangerous deception. Be careful about those who give out complements in abundance.

  • If you have a chance, watch our video on YouTube entitled Beware of the Flatterer - Proverbs 29:5 - 2BeLikeChrist.

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.


2 Samuel 16 Bible Study - In 5 Minutes


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