2 Samuel 13 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

2 Samuel 13 Bible Study
2 Samuel 13 Outline

2 Samuel 13 Summary - A Quick Overview


  • Saul died in approximately 1055 B.C., after reigning over Israel for 40 years.

  • David became king over Judah the same year. He reigned over Judah for 7 years and 6 months, before becoming king over all Israel. His reign over all Judah and Israel lasted 33 years.


  • David – The second king over all Israel and Judah.

  • Amnon – David’s son by Ahinoam (2 Sam 3:2).

  • Absalom – David’s son by Maacah (2 Sam 3:3).

  • Tamar – David’s daughter by Maacah, and the sister of Absalom.

  • Jonadab – The nephew of David. He is described as a “very crafty man.”


  • David’s house was in Jerusalem.

  • Absalom killed Amnon at Baal-hazor (near Ephraim).

  • Absalom fled to Geshur (west of the Sea of Galilee) after killing his brother.


  • AMNON, ABSALOM, AND TAMAR (13:1-22):

    • David had two sons, Amnon and Absalom, but they were half-brothers because their mothers were different.

    • David also had a daughter, Tamar, who was the full-sister of Absalom and the half-sister to Amnon.

    • Amnon loved Tamar and, together with his crafty friend Jonadab, he devised a plan to be with her.

    • Amnon pretended to be sick and asked David to send Tamar to him to prepare him some food.

    • When Amnon and Tamar were alone, Amnon forced Tamar to have sexual relations with him.

    • But after he slept with her, he resented her and dismissed her from his presence.

    • Tamar was greatly shamed and lived as a “desolate women.”

    • When Absalom learned about Amnon’s actions, he concealed his anger, but made plans to exact revenge on Amnon in the future.  

  • ABSALOM KILLS AMNON (13:23-39):

    • Two years later, Absalom was sheering sheep at Baal-hazor, and he convinced David to send all his sons to join him in Baal-hazor.

    • Absalom told his servants to kill Amnon.

    • When an opportunity arose, Absalom’s servants obeyed his orders, and all of David’s other sons fled.

    • It was initially reported to David that all his sons had been killed by Absalom, but a later report from Jonadab clarified that only Amnon had been killed.

    • Absalom fled, went to Geshur, and remained there 3 years.

    • After he was comforted about Amnon, David longed to reconcile with Absalom.


  • One of the most beautiful things about God is that He has made His intentions clear.

  • He won’t surprise people with acts of revenge for things done in the past.

  • He won’t be fake to you, speaking kindly to you when He actually hates you.

  • God has made it clear that He will forgive the wrongs of His children (those who put their trust in Jesus).

  • He is equally clear that His anger will be directed towards those who refuse to obey Him and refuse to come out of their sins.

  • We don’t have to guess about how God feels about us.

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.


2 Samuel 14 Bible Study - In 5 Minutes