2 Chronicles 29 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

2 Chronicles 29 Short Summary:

In 2 Chronicles 29, Hezekiah takes the throne of Judah and immediately begins reforming the nation, starting with Jerusalem and the Temple. After his father locked the Temple doors to serve idols, Hezekiah reopened them, renovated the Lord’s house, and reinstated the worship of the true God.

2 Chronicles 29 Summary
2 Chronicle 29 explained

2 Chronicles 29 Extended Summary


  • Hezekiah reigned in Judah for 29 years. His reign likely fits within the years 730-695 B.C.


  • Hezekiah – Son of Ahaz. He became king of Judah after his father died.

  • The Levites and Priests – They played a crucial role in helping Hezekiah restore worship in at the Temple.


  • Jerusalem – The capital of the Kingdom of Judah and the location of God’s Temple.

2 Chronicles 29 Map - Jerusalem



    • After Ahaz died, Hezekiah took the throne of Judah. He reigned for 29 years.

    • “He did what was right in the sight of the Lord.”

    • Hezekiah recognized that Judah’s failure as a nation was the result of them failing to honor God. He was determined not to repeat the mistake of his forefathers.

    • In his first year, he ordered the priests and Levites to open the Temple, clean it out, and prepare it for worship. Remember, Ahaz closed the Temple in 2 Chronicles 28.

    • The men consecrated themselves and then set to work restoring God’s house.

    • The priests entered the Temple and cleaned out the “uncleanness,” The Levites waited on the outside of the Holy Place and carried the filth away. The “uncleanness” may refer either to dirt or to spiritually unclean things related to idol worship.

    • It took them 16 days to restore the Temple and to prepare the utensils used by the priests to complete the daily sacrifices.

    • When everything was prepared, Hezekiah and his officials sacrificed 7 bulls, 7 rams, 7 lambs, and 7 male goats for a sin offering for the people of Judah.

    • According to the Lord’s command, Hezekiah assigned Levites to play instruments as part of the Temple worship. They played cymbals, harps, lyres, and trumpets.

    • Then Hezekiah ordered the priests to offer the burnt offering. Through the duration of the offering the musicians played, the singers sang, and the people worshiped God.

    • Then Hezekiah invited the people of Judah to bring offerings to the Lord. In total, they brought 600 bulls and 3,000 sheep.

    • There were so many animals the priests couldn’t prepare them all, so the Levites helped them.


  • You’ve probably got a lot of things you want to accomplish in your life but make God your priority.

  • Notice how Hezekiah moved to reform Judah the first month of the first year of his reign.

  • He probably had many things he wanted to accomplish as king, but getting right with God was first on his list.

  • Don’t put off getting to know God until after you are out of school, or married, or after you’re established in your career, or after you’ve raised your kids.

  • All of those things will fall into place when you put God first and make sure you are right with Him.

  • There isn’t a single thing in life that should take priority over knowing your Creator. 

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.


2 Chronicles 30 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study


2 Chronicles 28 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study